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How to sync Outlook with GCal and Gmail

How to sync Outlook with GCal and Gmail: "Synchronization on multiple locations is always hard, and it is really tough to get it right if you are doing multiple two-way sync. Though someone got it right - engtech blog introduces his holy grail of synchronization. He has a system setup for syncing Microsoft Outlook (multiple locations), Google Calendar, Gmail, iPod and Mobile Phone. Here is the diagram he used to illustrate:

One of the key tool that engtech uses is ScheduleWorld, which is a online PIM system that has great synchronization support (yes, it supports Google Calendar syncing).

Check this how-to if you are looking for syncing these services and applications with your personal information.

The Holy Grail of Synchronization: How to synchronize Microsoft Outlook (multiple locations), Google Calendar, Gmail, iPod, and mobile phone with Funambol / ScheduleWorld - [engtech]


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