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How to Find What You Love to Do

How to Find What You Love to Do: "I know there are so many people who ask themselves a question: “What do I really love to do?”. And trust me, this question is a million dollar question - and it is tough. Once you have this answer, you will be more satisfied with the work you have done and actually enjoyed it in the process. Brian Kim has shared his useful insight on getting this answer from your deep end of your heart:

Step 1: You WILL find the answer. No doubt.

You will find the answer. You will find it. No doubt.

Approach the question with this mentality and you are sure to find it. How long will it take? It doesn’t matter. Bottom line, you will find the answer.

By doing this, you automatically instill an anti quitting mechanism within yourself, because you know you will find the answer. If you know what you want to do, then you will do it.

For example, if you know you want to arrive in New York, "

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